Food and beverage production

Food and beverage production

EauTech Solutions offers easy-to-use, economical, and effective solutions that address the pre-treatment and wastewater processing requirements of food and beverage industry. Our systems are flexible enough to guarantee compliance with evolving discharge permits and regulations.

Food and beverage industry wastewater treatment

The food and beverage sector consumes huge quantities of water, resulting in high levels of wastewater generation all over the world. Waste streams from food and beverage production frequently contain moderate to high quantities of organic matter, as evidenced by elevated biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and/or chemical oxygen demand (COD). Depending on the sector and specific processes employed in each production facility, food and beverage effluents may also contain other contaminants such as nutrients, suspended and dissolved solids, oil and grease, and chemicals (food additives, solvents, disinfectants, and cleaning agents). Besides, these complex wastewater streams are produced in different facilities with specific capacities and niches, and their loads and flow rates vary accordingly.
Overall, the challenges for each specific type of food and beverage wastewater are different. However, outdated and underperforming treatment systems and unsustainable operations with a higher environmental footprint are the main issues in key sectors. EauTech Solutions offers a game-changing solution to these problems through its HALBR package with advanced technology and innovative design, setting it apart from conventional systems.

Eautech Solutions modular food and beverage industrial wastewater solution has the following advantages:

• Low operation and construction costs
• Modular design
• Automatic operation
• Low purchase price
• Process and effluent guarantees